Monday 31 December 2012

Story Board of Incubus

Before we started shooting this was what we planned to do some shots we ended up removing and some shots we have added that are not in the storyboard.

Friday 28 December 2012

Horror film Beginning: Plan

The shots we are thinking of doing:
         In the dream there are snap shots to the cellar as Maria walks through halls and many doors to reach it.

         Maria reaches the cellar, sudden black and then we see her tied to a chair, so do not know how she got there.

         Anusha is in a black cloak and we can only see her red eyes piercing through.

         Different characteristics of Anusha, e.g. swoop of cloak, noise of movement, eyes. Fluid movements within the flashbacks getting closer to camera.

         As Anusha gets closer, Maria has flashbacks to her past where pieces that she has seen that have started to piece together to give  a sense of realisation.

         Then Maria wakes up out of her dream suddenly as if to escape it. 

         Maria walks towards the mirror in the bathroom and looks at herself, she now has red eyes. Then she goes to look away and look back and her eyes are to be of a normal shade.

         Then Anusha is going to be near the back of the bathroom so that we can see her through the mirror and Maria is to smile at her in a very disturbing way giving us a sense of something wrong happening.

*      At school- Using the hallways
*      In school cellar- first look at Anusha and for when Maria falls and flashbacks occur
*      At home- when Maria is out of the dream
*      Noise for when Maria hits the floor
*      Music during the walks through the hallway to show continuity
*      For sudden scary moments
*      Heart beat during flash backs increase in volume.
*      Anusha
*      Maria
*      Seema(dead body)
*      Candles
*      Blood
*      Eyes
*      Cloak
*      Wound Tattoo
*      Tribal Tattoo
*      Knife
*      Old diary
*      Photo
*      rope
Flash backs
*      To old diary
*      To wounds on Maria
*      To a bit in the house where they are having fun and drinking.
*      To Seema lying on the floor dead in the bathroom
*      Candles
*      To a picture of Maria and friends being lit on fire
*      Tribal tattoo
*      Knife with blood on it
*      1 tear
*      Angry in room
*      To book opening

Thursday 27 December 2012

The history of horror films.

The first horror films were released in 1890 pioneered by Georges Melies, at around the beginning of the birth of film. Combining surreal and dark elements to portray anxieties of the time/fears.Yet perhaps the most popular film, that brought the horror film genre to the attention of more people were Nosferatu in 1922.

In the 1930's movies changed a lot due to the advent of sound and so film makers had another effect to work with that added another dimension to the film. Now music could be used to build suspense and the monsters could growl and howl and the antagonist scream. A famous example of a film from this time was 1931 Frankenstein and Dracula produced by universal.

In 1950's-1960's there were again large advances in technology allowing for a shift in the fears portrayed. Now including threats/attacks from the "outside" aliens invasions and mutations such as Godzilla (1954).Yet this was also influenced by new threats of nuclear war. At this point Britain started to emerge as a producer of horror films such as peeping tom by Michael Powell.

